I thought @ReclaimTheRecs might enjoy the tangent this lawyer goes on about public records and clerks who say the truth out loud sometimes.
Today in unintentionally bad spam e-mail subject lines, sent to the RTR account:
"Transform Visitors into Participants"
It's Indexing Week at Geneanet! Help us transcribe the New York City Geographic Birth Index cards, a vast collection unearthed by Reclaim the Records - already over 120,000 individuals indexed. Check out our finding aid! #genealogy @ReclaimTheRecs https://en.geneanet.org/genealogyblog/post/2024/09/indexing-week-at-geneanet-help-us-transcribe-the-new-york-city-geographical-birth-index
@RRita00021574 Yes, the VA still has 95% of these files; very few have been moved to NARA yet. They are awesome, amazing, fantastic files...which we are indeed working on releasing a guide to, and a whole new website too! Stay tuned...
Curious if the step-by-step foia guide is available? FamilySearch states in link that @ReclaimTheRecs was developing one. The record I'm seeking wasn't located at NARA, they suggested the VA has it.
That feeling when you win a court case for millions of historical records -- technically for the second time! 😁 -- but you can't gloat or announce stuff publicly because there is a thirty day window where the Bad Guys might file in a higher court to try to block the handover. 😐
Journalists in Massachustts have long used state records to check whether police or public officials have histories of lots of crashes, tickets and OUIs. The state RMV says those records are now closed, citing a clause in the law allowing migrants to obtain driver's licenses.
congratulations to Hachette on their pivotal role in the expansion of book piracy i guess
And another downside is when the vendor who holds the newly-digitized records -- confirmed to be public records by a state ombudsman -- decides they would rather SUE the person requesting copies than comply.
(Vendor: @Ancestry, state: PA, case: ongoing!)
There's no newsletter today, but you might want to give this article a read. It's about outsourcing govt record storage. The upside is cost/efficiency. The downside is not being able to search/retrieve records then passing the costs onto record requesters.
7 months ago
9 months ago
9 months ago
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